These recommendations are in addition to the SABC rules, which clearly state:
Aircraft operating from Serpentine Airfield shall do so in accordance with Civil Aviation Regulations.
All SABC pilots should at all times fly as safely as possible, and always within the constraints of their skill and experience.
All SABC pilots should endeavour at all times to fly with due consideration for other pilots, their passengers, and airfield neighbours.
All SABC members should conduct their flying with due regard to minimising noise disturbance to people on the ground.
Guidelines for performing aerobatics near or over Serpentine Airfield
It is acknowledged that the safest place to practice or perform aerobatics is over an airfield, since this gives the best chance of a safe landing in the event of engine, propeller or airframe failure, and ensures safety equipment with experienced aviation expertise, and witnesses are available in the event of an accident.
It also makes it possible for other club members to monitor those aerobatics, and comment constructively on their execution, accuracy, professionalism and safety. It also ensures that all SABC members will know exactly where any aerobatic practice will be happening.
It is acknowledged that anyone can fly over Serpentine at any height above 1,500 feet at any time, since this is free and open airspace.
Aerobatic flying by SABC members over Serpentine should be conducted with courtesy and consideration to other airspace users, and when any conflict occurs the aerobatics should be discontinued.
Whenever possible, aerobatic flying over Serpentine should take place between the hours of 8am and 6pm, or sunset if earlier. Aerobatic sorties should be limited to a maximum of 10 minutes.
Aerobatic flying at Serpentine should not take place over any buildings.
Aerobatic flying over Serpentine should only take place below 3,000 feet when the pilot is appropriately trained, endorsed and approved. The minimum altitude for aerobatics under these circumstances should usually be 1,500 feet AGL, to prevent conflict with circuit traffic. This means that the bottom of the lowest manoeuvres should never go below 1,500 feet AAL.
When an aerobatic pilot is endorsed and approved to a lower level than 1,500 feet, he should only practice or display over Serpentine when there is nobody in or approaching the circuit, and nobody about to fly. Aircraft arriving or departing Serpentine during aerobatics have the right of way. If another aircraft approaches close to the aerobatics manoeuvring airspace, the aerobatic pilot should immediately establish radio contact and maintain safe separation, or else discontinue his practice, and only begin again after all other aircraft have either landed or left the area.
Aerobatic pilots should be reminded of the phenomenon of altimeter lag. This means that manoeuvres involving high rates of climb and descent can result in the altimeter lagging up to 300 feet behind the aircraft. This can mean an aircraft may be several hundred feet below its indicated altitude. This normal instrument error will not be accepted as an excuse for performing aerobatics below the minimum height.