Generally on the second Sunday of each month (unless rescheduled for mothers' day etc) members get together at Serpentine for a Busy-Bee, under the guidance of a volunteer coordinator. Routine tasks include fence maintenance, clearing fallen tree limbs, mowing, sweeping, clubhouse cleaning and painting. Click below for a list of jobs outstanding.

Busy-bees are a great opportunity for members to enjoy some contact with other members over a broom or chain saw and morning tea. You will find the atmosphere welcoming and interesting and as strenuous (or not) as you want to make it.

Not all Busy Bee items make it onto this list but we try to keep it current. Keep an eye on the calendar for details of the next busy-bee event.

Job List





Eqt needed

Saturday, 7 Oct 2023   Prep for Fly-In

We will have another Busy Bee this Saturday to do some odd clean up jobs before the fly in The main things I see right now are :-

1) putting away and disposing of unwanted items at the rear of the accommodation block.

2) back filling soil to the level of the top of the new septics

3) Fitting some fan covers

4) erecting some barrier mesh around the new septics to prevent traffic from driving over sewage pipes and breaking them

5) a bit more whipper-skippering and trimming

I may well spot some more jobs before Saturday. If any of you see or know of something that needs doing on our airfield, please let me know in good time. One item for disposal is the old water heater from the accommodation block. It was not reused as it has a rusty bottom. It’s quite likely that the internal tank is okay. If anyone wants this water heater, please take it away, it’s behind the accommodation block right now. Once you have taken it, it’s your responsibility to use it or remove it, do NOT leave it lying around if you find it unservicable or you change your mind. If it is still there on Saturday, we will dispose of it.

Regards, Bo Hannington 0427 044 156

Saturday, 12 Aug 2023   Repainting of Library Floor

During the week we have completed the repainting of the library area walls inside the Clubhouse. What remains is the floor. By Saturday, I intend to have completed washing down the floor, and that it will be dry and ready for painting. This is a relatively simple job, and requires both a masking tape line to define the boundary with the remainder of the Clubhouse, and an accurate eye or two with a paint brush to cut in the edges around the walls, followed by several eager roller operators to paint the main body . A second coat will be needed after the first coat is dry, that may or may not happen on Saturday.

Eqt required: Roller painters, paint brushes, masking tape, paint etc, soft shoes for walking on semi dried paint
Saturday, 12 Aug 2023   Replace the Kitchen ceiling light diffusers A quick and easy job. We need to replace the ceiling light diffusers in the kitchen with unbroken ones. The broken ones fail the Shire requirements, and an inspection is imminent! stepladder, unbroken diffusers
Saturday, 12 Aug 2023   Replace the flyscreen on the kitchen door. Another quick and easy job, but it has been done many times. The flyscreen on the kitchen door also fails to meet shire requirements, and so we will replace it. When completed, the screen door must self-close effectively under all conditions. replacement screen door?, installation tools, e.g. battery drill
Saturday, 12 Aug 2023   Install Bug zapper above kitchen door Another Shire requirement is to have a bug zapper above the kitchen door. If I can succeed in acquiring one, and establish a way of powering it, we will install it. stepladder, bug zapper, usual tools
Saturday, 12 Aug 2023   Regular Clean out Clubhouse Gutters

Inspect gutters to ascertain leave and rubbish buildup. If required:- .

Remove 4 x 100mm end caps (front and back of clubhouse) and 2 x 90mm endcaps (outside of roofed area). Insert the 2 blanks to prevent the washout water going into the tank. Climb on the roof and use the pressure washer to run along each of the 3 gutters, checking as you go that the 4 outlets in each gutter are clear of leaves and debris. After you finish the pressure washing, you may have to push the low-pressure water hose down each of the 3 drain pipes below each gutter to ensure they are clean and clear. It’s easy to see right through each drain pipe. After all the water has drained out, remove the blanks and replace all the endcaps.

Stepladder, gloves, plug material, pressure washer, etc
Saturday, 12 Aug 2023   Blow out and clean the covered area As usual, the Covered area at the back of the Clubhouse has gathered a lot of rubbish and dead leaves etc. Let’s get this all cleaned out! Blowers, brooms etc

Sunday, 18 November 2018


Boundary Fence maintenance

The signs of Spring are here, and the weeds are growing up everywhere.
The Fence line gets sprayed regularly by the WIP Committee, but we need to go around and rake out the weeds that are under the wires, which could cause the electric fence to short to ground and be ineffective

Rakes, Hoes, whippersnipper,
maybe an axe or mattock
gloves & hats & other PPE etc