9 April 2024
Hello Everybody,
When learning to fly, we should all have been taught it is wrong to direct our propwash towards a hangar doorway (open or closed, but particularly when open), but many of our members seem to have forgotten that.
It is also profoundly unwise to run an aircraft's engine inside a hangar, even at low power. The potential for disaster is enormous, especially at higher powers. A few of our members don't seem to realise this.
Rick Verwoord has informed me of these aviation laws that I hadn't known...
Starting and Ground Operations of Engines
5.1 The pilot in command... shall ensure that:
5.1.4 An aircraft engine shall not be started or operated:
(a) within 5 metres (17 feet) of any sealed (closed) building; or
(b) within 8 metres (25 feet) of other aircraft
(e) within 8 metres (25 feet) of any unsealed (open) building in the case of an aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight not exceeding 5,700 kg (12,566 lb);
It seems impossible to abide by all of these exactly at Serpentine, but we can always do our best.
So, please be mindful of your propwash with regards to fellow members' hangars, and please never start or run your engine inside your hangar.
Thank you, Bob